How to submit a ticket if a job doesn't render as expected

How to submit a ticket if a job doesn't render as expected

In case you launched a job on RenderStreet and it didn't render as expected, we can definitely help figure out what caused it and what needs to be done to fix it.

In order to help make the process faster and eliminate the most common causes for render differences, please go through this checklist before submitting a ticket:

1. Pause the job in your RenderStreet account. Do not delete it, as we need to be able to check the output and the logs.

2.  Did you make a full render from the exact same project and same frame(s) on your local computer (render image, then save it to disk)? Does it look the same as the image(s) rendered on RenderStreet? The comparison needs to be made using a full render, and not a viewport render as the two types of renders can look differently

3. Are you using the same software version (Blender / Modo / LuxCore) on your computer as the one you used to launch the render on RenderStreet?

4. If you packed the project manually, has it been packed correctly, and all the assets uploaded? Just to be sure, we recommend sending the render with our add-on instead of doing it manually.

5. (If applicable) Are you using the same color profile on your computer and in the job launched on RenderStreet?

6. (Blender only) Are you using any 3rd party add-ons or plug-ins on your computer, that may influence the render result? If yes, please see this article for how add-ons are supported on our farm. Is the add-on/plug-in version the same on your own computer and on RenderStreet?

7. (Blender only) If you have simulations/physics, have they been baked and uploaded according to our documentation?

8. Did you search our knowledge base for the issue you are seeing?

If all the items on this list check out and the render still looks differently, or you are experiencing issues, please get in touch with our team. If you have a render that looks differently, please submit a render of the same frame made on your computer, where the difference can be observed. 

Also, please mention the job you are referring to and the frame(s) in question, for an easy identification. The more details we receive with the initial message, the faster we can look into it.

We'll get back to you shortly after that. 

Happy rendering!
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