Automatically downloading the renders on FTP

Automatically downloading the renders on FTP

In case of large renders, or for animation with thousands of frames, the resulting archive may bee to large to download as a single file. And for those cases we are making available another option, to download the individual frames automatically to your hard drive. This can be done using an FTP client, and you will receive the frames as they finish rendering.

For Windows: You need to use the free FTP Rush client. It works both as a portable executable or as installed software.
Once installed/downloaded, follow these steps:

° Open FTP Rush, click F11, or select the 'Quick Connect Dialog' option from the interface

° Enter the connection details obtained from the storage location page in your RenderStreet account. Select 'SSL FTP (Auth SSL)' for Protocol. Make sure to uncheck the 'Anonymous login' box in order to enter your RenderStreet username/password.

° Once the session is connected, make sure one of the two file browser panels shows your local computer. If it doesn't, click the 'Switch to local' on the panel that does not show your RenderStreet FTP account contents.

° In the local panel, select the local folder you wish to use for the sync operation

° In the panel that shows your RenderStreet account contents, open the 'output-renders' folder. Right-click the folder containing the job you wish to use for this operation and select Advanced Transfer -> Conditional Transfer from the menu

° In the Conditional Transfer dialog, check the 'Enable Synchronize' box, then click the 'Add to Queue' button. Make sure "include subfolders is set and add *.zip to ignore files

° In the bottom queue panel, right-click the newly created queue item and select 'Schedule Queue to Task'.

° In the dialog that opens, select 'Continuously' for the 'Schedule task' option, and Every 10 minutes. Verify the 'What to do' box contents, and click 'ok'.

° A new task will appear in the list.

° That's it! Your files will be downloaded automatically now.

Important! Please delete the task as soon as the job has been completed and all the files have been downloaded, in order to prevent unnecessary connections from being made to the RenderStreet infrastructure.

For Mac: You can use the FreeFileSync free tool (also available for Windows and Linux). Documentation for setting it up is available on the developer's website.
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