Using Irradiance Cache with Modo on RenderStreet

Using Irradiance Cache with Modo on RenderStreet

When rendering Modo projects with RenderStreet, we support precalculating the irradiance cache. This allows the animation renders to be flicker free. You don't need to change your project in any way for this to work, all the changes are being done behind the scenes on the farm.

Precalculating the irradiance cache is done by setting the irradiance cache mode to "walkthrough" and then going through the frame range and doing just the irradiance calculation step. Once this is done and we have an irradiance cache file, the walkthrough mode is deactivated and the frames are rendered using the irradiance cache file calculated previously.

If you'd like to skip this step, you can simply disable it by checking the "Don't generate Irradiance Caching walkthrough file" checkbox, as shown below. 

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